Why is it so important to have a last Will and Testament? Most adults know that if someone dies without a will, the law says who will get the assets. The law sets out the manner in which an Estate will be divided afterthe decedent’s debts and taxes have been paid. The law also provides that a creditor can be appointed to administer the Estate. This means that a bank could be put in charge if there is no Will in which an Executor is named.
As if that isn’t bad enough, the law also requires that an Administrator (the person or creditor in charge of the Estate) post a bond. The Estate must pay for the Administrator’s bond. Even worse is the trouble and expense of taking proper care of an inheritance for a minor child where the parent died without a Will.
There are many more undesirable consequences to a family when their loved one dies without a Will. Let’s now focus on the positive outcomes that can be achieved with a well-written Will or Trust .